Category: Personal (page 1 of 1)

Resuming Posting Schedule

Now that I am almost two months into my new job, I am finally feeling ready to get back into posting regularly about the technical work I’m doing during my day job. In the next few weeks, you can expect a general post about Azure versus AWS development since I’ve worked with both now, as well as more technical posts about how to do things in Python, Azure, Power Automate, and other tools that I had to struggle through personally due to limited content about them online. My goal is to always try to make development easier for others, and I hope these upcoming posts will bring value to others who may also be struggling to accomplish the same things with their own work.

Taking a Break and Switching Things Up

If you know me personally or follow me on LinkedIn, then you know that several weeks ago I made the decision to leave my friends and colleagues at Scentsy to take a new role at Boise Cascade. I made this decision for a lot of different reasons, but the main one being that I felt like I needed more of a challenge and wanted to get back into development work rather than focusing on project organization and management.

I am just about through my third week in my new role and it has been a scary, tiring, interesting, and even a bit fun, experience. Starting any new job comes with some new stress as I adjust to the environment and coworkers, and while I’m not completely out of the adjustment phase yet, I am already becoming more comfortable in this role so thought I should come here and give an update.

Previously, this blog has been heavily focused on cloud development with AWS since that is what I was developing in daily at Scentsy. But with my new role, I am drinking from a firehose to start learning cloud development in Azure, so my posts will be switching to focus on that platform instead. As of right now, I have no plans to do any personal development projects in AWS to be able to continue content in that space. I am really excited to be learning about Azure though, and am equally excited to start sharing what I learn about it here on my blog, since it seems like the Azure documentation is just as hard to understand, interpret and use as the AWS documentation is. So I will have plenty of my own learnings to share.

In my new role, I am also jumping into the deep end with scripting in Python which I am loving (but of course having issues with just like any other platform), so I will be starting to share some of my learnings about that space as well. Plus, there’s always a possibility I’ll be learning some other new technology because of how diverse my new role is, so my content going forward might be a lot more diverse than it was in the past.

It may take a few more weeks for me to get into the swing of things enough at my new job to feel like I have something worth posting about here, so I hope you’ll stick around and give the new content a read once it comes out. And as always, if there is anything in particular you would like me to write about, let me know in the comments and I will try to get to it!