Category: Miscellaneous Tools (page 1 of 1)

Azure Storage Explorer for Moving Files

Once again I am sharing a quick tip that will potentially speed up your work process, this time by using Azure Storage Explorer for moving database backup files between servers. This process saved me so much time this past weekend while completing a server migration, which is why I wanted to cover it with a quick post.

What’s in this post

What is Azure Storage Explorer?

Azure Storage Explorer is a desktop application that helps you manage your Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake storage. Before this past weekend, the only purpose that I had used it for was to propagate Access Control Lists (ACLs) for storage accounts, which is also a very helpful task it can accomplish. However, what I want to focus on for this post is how you can also use this tool to very quickly transfer files between servers, as long as those servers have access to the internet.

Moving files with Azure Storage Explorer

If you are ever in a situation where you are migrating a database from one server to another using the backup/restore method, and that backup file is very large even after being compressed, you may want to try this method of moving the file between your servers. This of course only works if you use Azure as your cloud provider.

With previous database migrations, I tried different methods of moving my file between the servers, and even have an old post discussing this. But this past weekend, I was doing the production migration for a database and the file was larger than previous ones I had moved between servers, even after creating the backup in a compressed format. My first transfer method that I tried was to drop the file onto a network drive and then copy it to the destination server from that share drive on the destination server. While that worked, it was pretty slow, taking about 30 minutes to complete. That would have been… fine… if I hadn’t run into issues with the backup which forced me to generate a new backup file that needed to be copied over as well. Since I didn’t want to force the rest of the upgrade team to wait for that again, I started trying a new method.

While that slow copy was in progress, I quickly download Azure Storage Explorer (ASE) onto the source server and uploaded my backup file to a storage account in our Azure subscription. And to my surprise, the upload of the 15 GB file took just about a minute or two if I recall correctly. No matter what specific amount of time it took, using ASE was significantly faster, and it didn’t cause a browser memory issue like when I attempted to upload the same file to the same storage account manually through the Azure portal. Because for some reason, even though I got the manual upload to a storage account to work in the past, I have now been having issues with my browser, both Chrome and Firefox, crashing out part way through the upload. So this new, faster transfer method is a huge win for me!

Then I also quickly downloaded and installed ASE onto the target server, and the download of the file from the storage account through the application was just as fast as the upload was. I had my database backup copied over to the new server in the same amount of time that the progress of the network drive copy only reached 20% done. So I gratefully cancelled that copy process. I was happy about the speed of ASE and I am sure my colleagues were happy they didn’t have to wait on the database part of the upgrade even longer.

Why is this so much faster?

Given how much faster the upload and download for my file went using Azure Storage Explorer compared to every other method, I really want to know how it manages to achieve that. Unfortunately, it seems that the information about why and how it manages to be so fast is limited. Part of the speed obviously came from our own network speed, but some of it certainly comes from something special with the tool since trying to upload manually through the portal proved to be super slow, and would then crash out in the browser.

From the few resources I’ve found online (listed in the References section below), it seems that the performance of ASE comes from how it uses the azcopy tool to speed up and also parallelize the file transfers and use multiple cores from the host machine to do so. Whatever makes it work so quickly, I am very happy that it exists and will likely be using this method of copying files between servers going forward. Downloading and installing ASE, then using it to upload and download files, is still much faster than trying to move big files any other way.


If you need to move a large file between two servers in your Azure cloud environment, I highly recommend using Azure Storage Explorer to drop that file onto a storage account, which will complete very quickly as long as your internet speed is normal, and then download that file using ASE as well, which will be equally as fast. There are other methods of copying files between servers that I’ve discussed before, but this is now going to be my preferred method.



Notepad++ Backup Files

This is going to be a short and slightly random post, but this information is something I learned this week that was entirely opposite of what I thought it was so I wanted to share.

What’s in this post

“Unsaved” Notepad++ files are actually saved

When you work with Notepad++, a free and very nice notepad application for Windows, you have the ability to create a lot of new files and leave them unsaved without losing them when closing the app or even restarting your computer. I never really knew how the app managed that and hadn’t thought much about it, but I figured that since I had never officially saved the files to my hard drive, that the information in the files wasn’t saved onto my hard drive and were thus safer from external access than a stored file would be.

However, this week I learned that I was totally wrong and that the way Notepad++ keeps your “unsaved” files ready for you to use again after being closed is to keep a “backup” saved onto your hard drive. For me, these files were saved in this location: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\backup

This is what I currently have backed up there, which lines up with what I see in the actual application, plus backups of files I closed today which are kept just in case I want them, I guess.

Screenshot showing the Windows File Explorer location for Notepad++ unsaved file backups and my list of backup files
Screenshot showing the tab bar of Notepad++ and my list of open and unsaved files that are being backed up by the application

And then if you end up saving the files, like for me I had unsaved changes in the two actually-named files which I then saved, the “backup” files will disappear.

Screenshot showing the Windows File Explorer location for Notepad++ unsaved file backups and my list of backup files, with some now gone from the list after I saved them

I think this is actually a neat feature since it could save you if you accidentally close an important file that you didn’t mean to. But it isn’t some cool loophole for keeping important secret things easily at hand but secure like I kind of assumed. I’m not saying I put secrets into these temp files, but if I was, I definitely wouldn’t be doing it anymore. 😀 Always keep your secrets locked up in key vaults or password tools! The one I’ve started using is Bitwarden and it seems pretty nice and easy to use so far.


Notepad++ doesn’t use magic to keep your unsaved files available for you to use after closing the app or restarting your computer; it is saving those files in a backup location on your computer. And if you close a file you didn’t intend to before you saved it, you can get that file back from this backup location before you restart your computer.

The Fastest way to Add Azure Firewall Rules

To keep resources secure in the Azure cloud environment, there are usually multiple levels of security that must be cleared for someone to be able to access a resource. For Azure SQL Databases, for example, the user who is trying to access the database must have access granted for their user account on the database but they also need to be given access for their IP address through the network firewall rules for the server or database resource.

I usually only need to add or update a single user’s firewall rule at a time when our business users get their IP addressed updated sporadically, but I had a situation last week where I needed to add over 40 firewall rules to an Azure SQL Server resource for a new database I imported on the server. I did not want to manually add that many firewall rules one at a time through the Azure Portal because that sounded tedious, boring, and like too many mouse clicks, so I instead figured out how to do it the fastest way possible–running a T-SQL script directly on the server or database through SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Note: This would also work through Azure Data Studio or your chosen SQL Server IDE, I simply prefer to use SSMS so use that as a reference in comparison to completing the same actions directly through the Azure

What’s in this post

Server vs. Database Firewall Rules

According to this Microsoft document, it should be possible to grant firewall rule access for a user to a single database on a logical Azure SQL Server resource. In my experience in Azure so far, we’ve only ever granted firewall access at the server level instead, since that is acceptable for our business use-cases. But since it’s possible to set the same firewall rules at the database level according to Microsoft, I added how to do that to this post, as well as the server-level rules which I will be creating for my use case.

T-SQL for Creating Firewall Rules

Did you know it was possible to create both database-level and server-level firewall rules for an Azure SQL Database through SSMS using T-SQL commands? I didn’t before I started this project request last week. Going forward, I will likely use the T-SQL route through SSMS when needing to make multiple firewall rules instead of using the Azure portal, to save myself time, effort, and mouse clicks.

Create a Server-Level Firewall Rule

To create new firewall rules at the server level, you can connect to your Azure SQL Server through SSMS and run the following command on the master database.

/* EXECUTE sp_set_firewall_rule N'<Rule Name>','<Start IP Address>','<End IP address>'; */
EXECUTE sp_set_firewall_rule N'Example DB Rule','','';

When you run that command, you are executing a built-in stored procedure that exists on the master database that will insert a new record for a server-level firewall rule into the table sys.firewall_rules, creating the server level firewall rule that will allow access through the specific IP address or IP address range. In the example above, I have the same value for both the Start IP Address and End IP Address parameters, but you can just as easily set that to a range of addresses, like for the start and as the end. I usually prefer to do that for a user’s IP address since our systems can change the last value fairly regularly, but since my current task was to grant access for servers, I set the start and end values to the same single IP address since I’m not expecting them to change frequently.

Create a Database-Level Firewall Rule

If instead of granting access to all databases on the server through a server-level firewall rule you would prefer to grant access to only a single database on your Azure SQL Server instance, you can do that as well. The T-SQL command to create a database-level firewall rule is the following. Notice how it’s very similar to the server-level command above, but with “database” specified in the stored procedure name.

/* EXECUTE sp_set_database_firewall_rule N'<Rule Name>','<Start IP Address>','<End IP address>'; */
EXECUTE sp_set_database_firewall_rule N'Example DB Rule','','';

The parameters that are required to run this database stored procedure are the same as what’s required for the server-level procedure, so you can either specify the same Start and End IP address values to allow access through a single address, or you can specify different values for the two to give access to a range of addresses. This procedure inserts records into the system table sys.database_firewall_rules on the database you ran the command on.

Speeding up the Creation of Execution Scripts

Knowing the above commands is helpful, and even works if you only have one or two firewall rules to add, but I promised I would tell you the fastest way possible to add 40+ firewall rules to a server, so how do I do that? How do I save myself the trouble of writing the above procedure execution commands 40+ times or copy/pasting/updating the line over and over again?

The trick I use is to generate my SQL queries in Excel, since Excel has the ability to concatenate strings and then to use the same formula across however many rows you have to generate the same concatenated string using multiple distinct values. I use this Excel trick quite frequently, whenever I need to generate the same type of SQL query/command multiple times based on specific values.

In this use case, I was provided a list of the names of the servers that needed inbound firewall access to my Azure SQL Database along with the IP addresses they would be using. I copied that information into two columns in Excel then wrote a formula in a third column to generate the SQL command that I needed to run to make a firewall rule for that particular server and IP address.

Here is an example of how I accomplish this type of task in Excel:

Screenshot of text in Excel demonstrating how to quickly develop SQL queries for adding firewall rules

In Column A of the spreadsheet, I copied in the list of the server names I was provided. I am going to set the name of the firewall rule for each to the name of the server that is being given access. Column B then has the IP address that the server will be connecting through.

Note: all server names and IP addresses were made up for this example.

Then in Column C, I use the CONCAT function of Excel to generate the SQL query that I want, which I will then be able to copy to the database and execute to generate the firewall rule. The following is the full formula I used to generate the SQL command:

=CONCAT("EXECUTE sp_set_firewall_rule N'",A2,"','",B2,"','",B2,"';")

After I’ve successfully made the command as I want it for the first server in the list, I then copy that same formula down the column for every row to generate the same command for each server and IP address combination. Once all the queries have been created, I copy the entire Column C into an SSMS query window:

Screenshot of SQL queries in SQL Server Management Studio for adding firewall rules to the server

I then just have to click Execute and all the commands run, creating all the new firewall rules I needed in just a couple seconds. Believe me, this method of using Excel will save you a lot of time copying and pasting and updating IP addresses in the queries.

View existing Server-Level Firewall Rules Through SSMS

If you would like to review the list of server-level firewall rules that currently exist on your server, you can do so by running the following query on the master database of your Azure SQL Server instance.

select id, [name], start_ip_address, end_ip_address, create_date, modify_date
from sys.firewall_rules
order by id

This list will directly correspond to the list of values that you would see under “Networking” for your Azure SQL Server instance in the Azure portal.

View existing Database-Level Firewall Rules Through SSMS

If you would like to review the list of database-level firewall rules that currently exist on your database, you can do so by running the following query on the database you would like to see the firewall rules for.

select id, [name], start_ip_address, end_ip_address, create_date, modify_date
from sys.database_firewall_rules

As far as I am aware, there is no way to view this same list of details from the Azure portal, so this should be the source of truth for database-level firewall rules for an Azure SQL Database.

How to Delete Firewall Rules Through SSMS

Similarly to how there is a more efficient way to create multiple firewall rules through T-SQL queries in SSMS, you can also quickly delete a lot of firewall rules at once through SSMS using a delete procedure. I haven’t yet had to delete a large number of firewall rules at once, but you can follow the same process I outlined above for adding them, but use the deletion procedure instead.

Delete Server-Level Firewall Rules

The T-SQL command you can use to delete a specified server-level firewall rule through SSMS is:

EXEC sp_delete_firewall_rule N'SERVER1';

When deleting a rule, you only need to provide the name of the firewall rule you would like to delete.

Delete Database-Level Firewall Rules

The T-SQL command you can use to delete a specified database-level firewall rule through SSMS is:

EXEC sp_delete_database_firewall_rule N'SERVER1';

When deleting a rule, you only need to provide the name of the firewall rule you would like to delete.


In this post, I outlined the full process I used to generate 40+ server-level firewall rules on my Azure SQL Server instance as requested. Before starting on this task I had no idea that it was possible to generate these firewall rules through a T-SQL command in SSMS, I only knew about adding them through the Azure portal manually. But like every good programmer, I knew there had to be a better and faster way and I was correct. I hope this post helps save you a little time as well the next time you need to add more than a couple firewall rules to your server.

How to Squash commits with Git Bash

I have been working with Git for the last several years, but in my current position, I am having to do more of the manual work with Git to ensure my commits meet our branch policies when pushing, since my current company has stricter rules on the pipelines. One of the Git activities I’ve found myself doing nearly every week now is to Squash my commits. While initially learning how to do this, I found some resources online that were somewhat helpful, but as with most documentation, it seems the authors assumed some level of basic understanding of Git that I did not possess. I understand it now that I’ve been doing it so frequently, but want to make a concise post about how to squash commits with Git Bash.

What’s in this post

What is a squash commit?

To squash commits means to combine multiple commits into a single commit after the fact. When I code, I do commits every so often as “save points” for myself in case I royally screw something up (which I do frequently) and really want to go back to a clean and working point in my code. Then when it comes time to push to our remote repos, I sometimes have 5+ commits for my changes, but my team has decided that they only want to have squashed commits instead of having all that commit history that probably wouldn’t be useful to anyone after the code has been merged. That is when I need to combine and squash all my commits into a single commit. Squashing is also useful for me because while I am testing my code, I copy any necessary secrets and IDs directly into my code and remove them before pushing, but those IDs are still saved in the commit history so our repos won’t even let me push while that history is there. And squshing the old commits into a single new commit removes that bad history and allows me to push.

How to squash multiple commits

For the purpose of this post, assume I am working with a commit history that looks like this:

613f149 (HEAD -> my_working_branch) Added better formatting to the output
e1f0a67 Added functionality to get the Admin for the server
9eb29fa (origin/main, origin/HEAD, main) Adding Azure role assgmts & display name for DB users

The commit with ID 9eb29fa is the most recently commit on the remote. The two commits above are the ones I created while I was making my code changes, but I need to squash those two into one so that I can push to our remote repo. To do this, I will run the following Git command:

git rebase -i HEAD~2

That command indicates that I want to rebase the two commits before HEAD. And the -i indicates that we want to rebase in interactive mode, which will allow us to make changes to commit messages in a text editor while rebasing. When I run the command, Git opens Notepad++ (which is the text editor I specified for Git Bash) with a document that looks like this:

pick e1f0a67 Added functionality to get the Entra Admin for the server
pick 613f149 Added better formatting to the output

# Rebase 9eb29fa..613f149 onto 9eb29fa (2 commands)
# Commands:
# p, pick <commit> = use commit
# r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup [-C | -c] <commit> = like "squash" but keep only the previous
#                    commit's log message, unless -C is used, in which case
#                    keep only this commit's message; -c is same as -C but
#                    opens the editor
# x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue')
# d, drop <commit> = remove commit
# l, label <label> = label current HEAD with a name
# t, reset <label> = reset HEAD to a label
# m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] <label> [# <oneline>]
#         create a merge commit using the original merge commit's
#         message (or the oneline, if no original merge commit was
#         specified); use -c <commit> to reword the commit message
# u, update-ref <ref> = track a placeholder for the <ref> to be updated
#                       to this position in the new commits. The <ref> is
#                       updated at the end of the rebase
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.

The first comment in the document # Rebase 9eb29fa..613f149 onto 9eb29fa (2 commands) gives an overview of what the command is doing. We’re rebasing the three listed commits onto the most recent commits that’s on the remote, which will give us one new commit after that remote commit in the place of the two we currently have.

To rebase these commits, I will change the top two lines of that document to:

pick e1f0a67 Added functionality to get the Entra Admin for the server
squash 613f149 Added better formatting to the output

No matter how many commits you are squashing, you always want to leave the command for the first command in the list as “pick” and then every other commit needs to be changed to “squash”. Once you have made that change, save the file and close it. Once you close that document, it will open another text document containing the previous commit messages, giving you an opportunity to amend them. This is what my commit messages look like when the document pops up:

# This is a combination of 2 commits.
# This is the 1st commit message:

Added functionality to get the Entra Admin for the server

# This is the commit message #2:

Added better formatting to the output

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Date:      Fri Jul 12 11:11:10 2024 -0600
# interactive rebase in progress; onto 9eb29fa
# Last commands done (2 commands done):
#    pick e1f0a67 Added functionality to get the Entra Admin for the server
#    squash 613f149 Added better formatting to the output
# No commands remaining.
# You are currently rebasing branch 'my_working_branch' on '9eb29fa'.
# Changes to be committed:
#	modified:
#	modified:
#	new file:

I will change the file to the following so that I have a single, concise commit message (although I would make it more detailed in real commits):

Updated the files to contain the new auditing functionality.

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# Date:      Fri Jul 12 11:11:10 2024 -0600
# interactive rebase in progress; onto 9eb29fa
# Last commands done (2 commands done):
#    pick e1f0a67 Added functionality to get the Entra Admin for the server
#    squash 613f149 Added better formatting to the output
# No commands remaining.
# You are currently rebasing branch 'my_working_branch' on '9eb29fa'.
# Changes to be committed:
#	modified:
#	modified:
#	new file:

Once you’ve updated your commit messages as you would like, save and close the file and then push the changes like you normally would. If you would like to confirm and review your changed commits, you can use git log --oneline to see that the log now reflects your squashed commit instead of what it had previously.

Note: One important standard of doing rebasing with Git is that you should not rebase changes that have already been pushed to a public or remote repo that others are using. It’s bad practice with Git to try to rewrite shared history, since keeping that history is the whole point of Git and version control. Try to stick to the custom of only doing rebasing with your own local changes.


In this post, I covered the basics of how to perform a squash commit of multiple commits using Git Bash. If this tutorial helped you, please let me know in the comments below. If you would like to read more of the details about what rebasing means, please refer to the Git documentation.


A Week in the Life- 10/7 – 10/10

Have you ever wondered what the normal work tasks of a database developer/integration engineer looks like? If you have, then this is the post for you. This is a new series of posts where I simply give an overview of what I accomplished each week, giving insight into what life as a database developer looks like for those who might be curious. I also want to do these reviews for my own records and edification, because it’s always good to keep track of the things you accomplish at your job. This post is going to review the week of October 7 – October 10.

What’s in this post

More SQL Server Setup

The week started with a request from one of my teammates to set up SQL Server 2022 on another Windows Server virtual machine as part of my ongoing project I am a part of. I have somehow made myself the SQL Server 2022 installation guru, so I’m not surprised that I was requested to complete this task.

Setting up the SQL Server itself was as easy as it could be, easier than the last few I did since the application using the server had less configuration requirements. But after installing the server and making sure the firewall rules were in place (as I learned two weeks ago), I then learned even more setup that I had missed previously that needed to be done for the server. The new thing I had missed was getting Entra ID authentication to work with the server, so one of my teammates showed me how to do that so that the new server was now setup perfectly.

Production Upgrade for an Application

My biggest feat of the week was having to do the production upgrade for the legal application project I’m on completely by myself. I was on this project with one of my teammates, but he had to be out this week for personal matters so I was left as the sole developer working on the production upgrade we had been building up to for months. Although I was nervous about being the only one responsible if something went wrong, I stepped into the challenge and completed the upgrade. I did run into a few issues during the upgrade process, but I was able to work them out by the end of the day by working with the vendor of the application, so I have to say the upgrade went pretty dang well given the circumstances. Pat on the back to me for surviving my first solo production upgrade.

Preparing for the Next Application Upgrade

I couldn’t celebrate this week’s successful application upgrade for too long, because I already had to be starting on the steps for the next phase of this application’s upgrade process. Thankfully, this week’s work for that next phase was only to take backups of two databases and provide that to the application vendor, so I wasn’t overly burdened with work for this part.

Writing Documentation about the Application

After completing that production upgrade, facing a few issues along the way, I knew that I needed to write everything down that I knew about the application and what went wrong with the upgrade, or else me and my team might forget the important but small details. None of us think that this type of work is truly something that we as database developers should be doing, we’re not application developers, but we have been told that we need to support this application from front to back so that is what we’re going to do. And since the territory is unfamiliar to everyone on my team, I know good documentation will be essential to continuing to support this application in the future.

Met with Colleague to Review Conference

There are only two women on my team: me and one other woman. We both attended the Women & Leadership conference two weeks ago so wanted to catch up with each other to review our learnings and takeaways so that we can present those ideas to our manager. This conversation was really lovely. When working in a field that is 98% men like I am, it’s always a breath of fresh air to be able to sit down, relax, and catch up with other women dealing similar tasks and issues. Our scheduled half-hour meeting turned into an hour because we were having a good time and brainstorming good ideas to present to our manager. We left with a list of items we wanted to cover with him and a plan for how to get some of his time to present our list.

Presented new Database Architecture to Division IT Team

I need to be forward and say that I was not the one who presented the database architecture to the other team, but I was included in the meeting since my teammate who normally works with this other team is going to be out of office for two months at the end of the year and I need to be apprised of the work he normally does.

This meeting with a business division IT team (not the corporate IT team that I’m on) turned out to be a fantastic relearning opportunity for me to see the database architecture possibilities in Azure. The backstory is that this other team had requested we create them a new database they could use for reporting purposes to not bog down their main application database. My teammate who normally works with them came up with several different new architecture possibilites that would fulfill the request, and ran those possibilities by the team to see which they would be most comfortable with. I had technically learned this same architecture information shortly after I started at the company, but that time is honestly a blur so I appreciated getting to see this information re-explained. I took lots of notes in this meeting and now feel more confident about making similar presentations and architecture decisions in the future when that will eventually be required of me.


This was a shorter week for me because I took Friday off, but I still accomplished a lot of big projects. I am looking forward to having some calmer weeks in the future where not everything is a “big stressful thing”, but I do appreciate that this week taught me a lot and helped me grow as a developer. I am slowly easing into the point of my career where I can start to be a leader instead of a follower, so I am taking each and every learning opportunity as a gift helping me to grow into that future leader.

Do you have any questions about what a database developer does day-to-day that I haven’t answered yet? Let me know in the comments below!

How to Add an Address to Google Maps

This post is going to really deviate from my normal content, except for the fact that I am still writing about technology. My husband and I recently purchased our first house, which was a new build. Because of that, Google and every other map service of course did not know that our house exists, and that was becoming annoying while trying to help other people navigate to our new address.

I did a lot of googling and reading of support forum answers trying to find out how to add my new address to Google Maps, but nothing that I found online was possible when I went into the app. A lot of the suggestions seemed to be really outdated for the Google Maps UI. I eventually figured out how to add it myself through poking around the app, so I thought I would share how I did it in hopes of helping someone else who was struggling to find help with other online resources.

These instructions cover how to add an address to Google Maps using the iPhone app, I’m hoping it would work for the Android version as well, or even on a browser, but I’m not sure since I haven’t been able to try with either of those options.

Quick Overview

  • Open the Google Maps app
  • Press and hold on the location of the address you want to add to drop a pin
  • In the menu that opens when you drop a pin, select “Suggest an Edit”
  • In the next menu, select “Fix an Address”
  • Confirm the location you are adding using the map on the next screen. Move the map if needed. Then click “Next”.
  • Enter your new address information in the fields provided and then hit “Submit” when ready to add it.

Open Google Maps and add pin where your address is

In the iPhone app, you can press and hold on the map in Google Maps to drop a pin, and that is what you want to start with. That will bring up a menu on the bottom half of the screen, choose “Suggest an Edit”.

Select the option to “Fix an Address”

In the menu that is brought up after you select “Suggest an Edit”, choose the option to “Fix an Address” (although technically the address doesn’t exist yet).

Confirm the location of the pin is where your location is supposed to be

After selecting to “Fix an Address”, the app will bring up a map again for you to confirm the location of the address you are fixing/adding. You will need to drag the map around until the pin in the center of the screen is where you would like the address to be. When I was adding my address, I put the pin on top of my current location while at home to make sure I put it in the right spot.

Enter your new address information

The very last thing you will need to do is to enter your address correctly into the fields you see in the final screen. Double-check to make sure you don’t have any typos or any other mistakes, then click “Submit”. After you submit the address information, the suggested edit apparently goes through some sort of review process at Google, but you should get your address added to the map within a few days of submitting.

How to Set Notepad++ as Your Default Git Editor

Welcome to another coffee break post where I quickly write up something on my mind that can be written and read in less time than a coffee break takes.

When you start working with Git Bash for the first time (or you have your computer completely reimaged and have to reinstall everything again like I did recently), you will likely encounter a command line text editor called Vim to edit your commits or to do any other text editing needed for Git. And if you’re like me, you probably won’t like trying to use a keyboard-only interface for updating your commit messages. If that’s the case, then I have a quick tutorial for how to make Git use a normal text editor to more easily update your commit messages.

What is Vim?

Vim is an open-source text editor that can be used in a GUI interface or a command line interface. My only familiarity with it is with the command line interface, as the default text editor that Git comes installed with. If you don’t update your Git configuration to specify a different text editor, you will see a screen like the following whenever you need to create or update a commit message in a text editor (like when you complete a revert and Git generates a generic commit message for you then gives you the opportunity to update it, or when you want to amend an existing commit). This is what the command line editor version of Vim looks like (at least on my computer).

I personally don’t like this text editor because to use it, you need to know specific keyboard commands to navigate all operations and I don’t want to learn and remember those when I can use a GUI-based text editor instead to make changes more quickly and intuitively.

How to Change Text Editor to Notepad++

The command for changing your default text editor is super simple. I found it from this blog post: How to set Notepad++ as the Git editor instead of Vim.

git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe' -multiInst -notabbar -nosession -noPlugin"

After you execute that command in Git Bash, you can run this command to test it, which should open up Notepad++ to try to update the last commit you made: git commit --amend.

That blog post then says that you should be able to double-check your Git configuration file to see that the editor has been changed, but my file doesn’t reflect what the other post says despite Notepad++ be opened for commit messages after I ran the change statement. This is what my gitconfig file currently looks like after setting the editor to Notepad++:

So your mileage may vary on that aspect. As long as the change works for me, I’m not too concerned about what the config file looks like.

How to Revert Text Editor to Vim

If you ever want to change back to the default text editor, you can run the following command to switch back to Vim, and once again confirm it worked using the git commit --amend statement:

git config --global core.editor "vim"


Changing your default text editor for Git Bash is extremely simple as long as you know where the exe file of your preferred editor is stored on your computer. It’s also simple to change back to the default Vim editor in the future if you want or need to.

My New Note Taking Tool

Note: I am NOT sponsored in any way for this post. Everything contained in this post is my honest opinion and review of the software.

For about a month now, I have been working with a new software for taking notes for my blog as well as personal learning projects, and I have really been loving the tool so thought I would share it and how I get the best use out of it. The tool I am now using is called Obsidian, and it has turned out to be a very simple but useful software for taking notes of any kind for any subject.

What’s in this post:

What I was using before and why I switched

Before I made the switch to Obsidian, I was using good old OneNote, the built-in Microsoft note taking software. That worked well enough for me for several months, but I eventually decided to make the switch from it because I was really disliking the organization and look of OneNote and was finding it hard to customize the formatting of my text in the way that I wanted. OneNote has predefined styles for headings, plain text, and code snippets, and I wasn’t liking those options anymore. In previous versions of OneNote, I swear I was able to customize the styles to my liking, but the version I had been working with before switching to Obsidian did not allow that. Plus, I was really just finding the whole app a bit ugly and outdated looking, so I started the search for a new tool.

In my search of note taking options, there were a lot of different apps that gave the customization I wanted, but they usually required a subscription to use them for more than a few simple notes, and I am adamant right now that I don’t want to add another paid subscription to my life. The one really great looking option was Obsidian.

I sat on my research for about a month until I got really tired of the flaws of OneNote, especially the code formatting options since most of the notes I have been taking recently have been with Python. Then I finally downloaded Obsidian and have been using and loving it since.

What is Obsidian?

Obsidian is a markdown-based, text-editor-like note taking tool that is more bare-bones than OneNote but allows you to do a lot more formatting and linking of notes than OneNote is ever going to be capable of. Obsidian even includes a graph features that allows you to look at how all your notes are linked together, which it says can help you visually see how your thoughts are connected.

On the back end, your Obsidian Vault (how they refer to what I would call a notebook) is simply a folder structure full of individual markdown (.md) files that each contain one of your pages of notes. Since it is so simple on the back end, it is easy to keep organized and backed up with any software you normally use to backup your local files.

Below are screenshots showing what my Obsidian notebook looks like on my computer in File Explorer, and one screenshot showing what those same notes look like within the Obsidian app.

Screenshot showing the folder structure within my Obsidian Vault using File Explorer

Screenshot showing the individual note markdown files within the Python folder of my Obsidian vault
Screenshot of the Vault explorer pane in Obsidian

As you can see from the screenshots, it really is just simple files stored on my computer, but those files look much sleeker and more organized within the actual Obsidian app.

It took me a few days to get used to using Obsidian, but I got the hang of it quickly and decided it was going to be my one source of truth for notes going forward. It’s bee nice enough to use that I have even stopped using my physical notebooks for now, which I didn’t think would ever happen (where will I put all of my fun stickers now if not a physical notebook??).

How I organize my notes

As you can see from the screenshots above, I currently have my notebook organized into multiple folders. The most notable are Attachments, Blog, and Topical Notes. The best part of Obsidian is that you are able to customize it to meet your exact needs, so I am only showing how I have mine organized to maybe give others ideas for how they might organize their notes. This organization is very specific to my current needs.


I created this folder based on advice I read from others online who use Obsidian as well, and it’s a great way to keep any images you have pasted into your notes organized, due to how Obsidian handles attachments in notes. When you insert an image or screenshot into a note, not only does the image get pasted where you want it to in your note, but that image also gets saved as a separate file into your Vault, at the very top level of the file structure. While that may be fine for others, I was really disliking it due to the number of screenshots I was copying into notes, so the main view of what’s in my notebook was getting very cluttered with all the image files visible at the top level.

(Technically, the image that you see pasted into your notes is just a link to the physical image file, but done in such a way that it appears as if the image is just stored within the text. But since every note page in Obsidian is a markdown file, it cannot store in itself an actual image, so that’s why the links are used.)

So to clean up my vault/notebook a bit, I created the Attachments folder and I copy all image files and other attachments into the folder after pasting them into my notes. It can be a bit annoying at times because I have to move every single image that I paste into the specified folder, but it’s really not that bad and makes the notebook look nicer so I’m happy to do it.


As you might guess, the Blog folder contains all my notes related to my blog, including drafts of posts that I am working on as well as other pages including lists of tasks I want to accomplish and future goals for the blog. Nothing too crazy in this folder.

Topical Notes

This section is where I put various notes about technology or anything else I am working on learning, when the topic isn’t big enough for its own folder/section but needs to be organized somewhere. Currently, this folder only contains some notes for OLAP data storage & processing as well as Snowflake.

How I save my notes

Unless you want to pay for a subscription, you will not have a built-in function for saving your Obsidian Vault to the cloud or have any easy way to sync your files across multiple devices. But thankfully, since everything with the tool is file-based, it is very easy to use an existing cloud storage service you may already have to save and sync your files across devices. One option would be to use OneDrive, another is to use Git and that is the option I am currently using.

To make my notes available to me easily no matter where I may be working, I decided that the best solution for saving my notes off my computer would be to use GitHub, since I already have an account with them. I created a private repository on GitHub and pulled that down to my local and set up Obsidian in that repo. Since creating that, it has been super easy and intuitive for me to save my notes every day by pushing to the remote GitHub repo.

Other Features

One main feature that Obsidian uses as a selling point that I haven’t found useful for my own purposes yet is the Graph View of my notes. The graph view shows you a physical graph (like the data structure) of how your notes are linked to each other. I haven’t found this useful because, while I do link some of my notes occasionally, I am not doing a lot of linking and don’t feel the need to view my notes in essentially a “mind map” format. But others who are more visual thinkers could find it useful. That feature is certainly unique to this software.

Screenshot showing the Graph View of my Obsidian notebook, very few links between files at this point

As you can see from that screenshot above, I have hardly done any linking with my notes yet, so the graph view doesn’t show anything useful for me. (FYI the blanked out boxes are for upcoming posts that I didn’t want to leak.)

Obsidian also has a feature called Canvas, which I haven’t played around with much, but it seems like a tool that might be nice to help you plan out large projects or any type of work with notes or ideas that connect to each other. The Canvas reminded me a bit of LucidChart, but it seems more focused on helping you organize your thoughts rather than to make flow charts.

Screenshot showing a sample Canvas I created using one of my Obsidian note pages and a “card”

Pros of Obsidian

  • Works well with code snippets, since it has simple markdown functionality for that style
    • If you are a programmer or are just learning code, being able to format the code nicely in your notes is wonderful
    • You don’t need to use the mouse to change to code formatting while typing, just use the markdown symbols
  • Notes are stored on your own system which makes them as secure as your computer– no need to worry that the company is going to get hacked and compromise your data
  • Simple yet robust note-taking features, with just enough styling options to make it personal yet not hard to read
  • Modern design and function
  • Can use most keyboard styling shortcuts available in other text editing tools (e.g. CTRL+I to make text italic, CTRL + B to make text bold, etc.)

Cons of Obsidian

  • Uses markdown styling for all text formatting options, so you need to learn that to be able to style text how you want
    • I have been going back to this cheat sheet multiple times to remind me how to do markdown formatting
    • Once you get the hang of it, it’s really easy to do all sorts of custom formatting
  • Must buy a license if you want to use it for work, even if you’re not the owner of the company
    • I would love to be able to use this tool for all my work notes since it’s so customizable yet simple
    • The current subscription price for one person is $50 USD per year, which is reasonable, I just don’t want to pay for yet another subscription service right now
  • Must manage your own cloud saving and syncing across devices if you don’t want to pay for Obsidian Sync
  • Difficult to add color or other text customizations beyond bold & italic to your notes, must use inline HTML to add colors
  • Can’t specify your own ordering of notes, will always be placed in alphabetic order
    • I think this is the biggest annoyance to me for the most part, sometimes it would be nice to keep your notes in a specific, non-alphabetic ordering
    • The easiest way to keep things in the order you want is to use numbers or symbols at the beginning of note names (I put the date at the beginning of each note to keep it organized better, and then put symbols like ! at the beginning of the title for notes I always want at the top of the list)


Obsidian is a great free tool to use for taking organized and useful notes right on your own computer. While there are a few features of the tool that are annoying to use at times, it has more positives than negatives. I would recommend that anyone in a technical field take a chance with Obsidian for their notes solution if they’re looking to try something new and modern.

Using the WordPress Local Development Tool to Avoid JSON Errors

When I started my blog a couple months ago, I determined a posting schedule for myself of once a week on Tuesdays. If you are someone who notices details and patterns, you may have noticed that I went a few weeks without posting at the end of December and into January, but it wasn’t for lack of me trying. In this post I’m going to talk about the issues I faced that prevented me from posting and how I finally got a workaround for the problem that has finally allowed me to start posting again.


While trying to create and edit my tutorial post about working with Liquibase, I kept running into the same vague JSON error when trying to save drafts, always at the same point. The error was: “Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response”.

The point at which it always failed was about midway through the post, either when I copied in text that contained double-quote characters or when I added the first image. I spent several weeks going back and forth with Flywheel (the web host I use) support, trying to figure out what was causing this JSON error when I tried to save a draft.

We tried many different things, including the normal troubleshooting steps of disabling plugins, reverting to the default WordPress theme, disabling all of my browser extensions, trying to work in an incognito window, and several other things. I read so many of the articles online discussing how to resolve this error, and none of those solutions worked. On the Flywheel side, they told me they were trying several different server changes, including extending timeout values and other firewall type changes. I even completely restored my website to default, but not even that worked. And then I had to rebuild everything on my website (except for posts and pages which I exported before restoring).

As of the time of writing this, I still don’t officially have a resolution from Flywheel for this error that keeps popping up and generating 403 errors on the backend (I figured that out myself by inspecting what happened when I clicked the “save draft” button). However, thanks to some kind folks on a WordPress forum, I finally figured out a viable workaround that I am actually enjoying using more than the online WordPress admin portal.

The Successful Workaround

The workaround that I am now using, even as I write this, is to use the development tool for WordPress called Local. This tool gives you a local development environment for WordPress that can seamlessly connect with Flywheel and other hosting providers. The setup for the tool was super easy, took me less than 5 minutes. After going through the setup, all I had to do was pull a copy of my site to local and then I have been able to locally edit my website through the tool.

Once you’re done making all your changes, you only need to select to “Push” to your production site, then select which changes you want to be pushed, then it’s quickly sent to your actual production website. It takes a few minutes for Flywheel to update with the changes, but then you can see your locally developed changes on your real site. All without the hassle of the ever-present JSON error when trying to save a draft.

I will be continuing to work with Flywheel to try to resolve the error on my production site, but at least for now, I am able to keep working and posting, back to my normal schedule.


If you are facing endless errors when trying to create posts for WordPress and you’re hosted with Flywheel, try using the Local tool to develop on your own local machine to see if that helps you in the same way it helped me.


We finally seem to have resolved my issue after going back and forth so many times with the Flywheel support team and continuing to escalate it through all their support levels. I’m not sure if this is what finally resolved the issue as I wasn’t provided any further details, but the last detailed message I received seemed to indicate that something was set up incorrectly with their Web Application Firewall (WAF) that was preventing me from editing. Before getting the issue fixed, I also found that I couldn’t edit the footer of my site because I was also getting 403 errors when trying to save those changes, and that along with my post creation issue has been resolved.

The moral of this update is that if you’re having this same issue and your site is hosted on Flywheel, keep pushing them to try more things on their end, don’t let them say that it must be something with your local environment. They were super great in continuing to try as long as I kept pushing and saying it still wasn’t working. It also seemed to help when I started showing them the exact errors I was getting with the Inspect tool in Chrome so they would have something to work with.

How to Clean Up Old Local Branches With Git

If you use Git Bash or another form of Git on your local development machine for version control in your organization, have you ever looked at how many branches you have from old work? Sometimes I forget that Git is keeping every single branch I’ve ever made off of master in the past unless I manually go in and delete it. This means I end up with an insane number of local branches hanging out on my computer, some of them months old. It’s not necessarily bad that these local branches are still around, but I know that I will never need them again after the related ticket or software change has been deployed to Live. Any pertinent information that might be needed for reference for that branch is stored in our remote repo which means I don’t need it hanging around on my machine.

When I finally remember to check how many local branches I have on a repo (using the command “git branch”), I am shocked to see dozens upon dozens of branches like in the above screenshot (which is only about half of the old branches I have on that repo). Then I want to get rid of them but also don’t want to use “git branch -D <branch>” for every single individual branch to clean them up one by one since that would take me quite a while to complete.

The faster way to get rid of all local branches, taught me by a coworker, is the following: “git branch  | grep -v “master” | xargs git branch -D”. Note: use this with caution because it will delete everything and you don’t want to delete something that you still need. Also, there are some caveats with which this command won’t work, and you can read more about that on StackOverflow.

TL;DR: the above command will fetch the list of all branches available on the current directory/repo, will get all branches except the one you specify with “grep -v” (so that you can keep the local master branch), and will then delete all of those branches with a force delete.

Let’s break down each part of that command:

  • “Git branch”
    • This is the command that will list all local branches on the current repository
    • Using a pipe character (the vertical bar “|”) will tell the command to feed in the results of what’s on the left of the pipe into the command on the right of the pipe, which in this case means we are feeding the list of local branches into the command “grep -v “master””
  • “grep -v “master””
    • The grep command will print output matching a specified pattern
    • The option “-v” signifies that the inverse of the list matching a pattern should be output
    • In this scenario, the two above points mean that this full command is going to take the list of all local branches and print out all of them that aren’t the specified branch, which in this case is “master”. If your main branch isn’t called master, you can change that value to whatever branch you don’t want to delete with this command.
  • “xargs git branch -D”
    • I haven’t been able to definitively figure out what the xargs command is doing (if anyone has documentation on this, please send it my way!), but essentially it seems to be taking the list of branches created with the two previous commands and running that list through the normal “git branch -D” command which will perform a hard delete on those branches.
    • “git branch -D” is the command used to force a delete of a branch (the -D is short for using the two options “–delete –force”)

This isn’t the most necessary Git command you’ll ever use in your work, but it does come in handy to keep your work organized and decluttered if you’re someone like me who values that.