I have done more database creation in the past couple weeks than I had done in the previous year combined, all because my team is working on making several different AI chat bots for our business users and we are being very agile about our development process. At first we had separate Azure SQL Databases for each chat bot to use for its backend, but then I decided it would be more prudent, cost effective, and easier to manage if we combined the three related bots into a single database. This meant that I needed to move data from three disparate databases into one single database, and I wanted to do it easily without any extra tools.
How I decided to move the data between the databases was to quickly export to a flat file then import that flat file onto the new database–since I only had a few hundred rows to move from each source database. As far as I am aware, this should work with all modern types of SQL Server (on-prem, IaaS, Azure SQL Database). Read on to learn how to follow the same process I did.
What’s in this post
Exporting the data from the source
On your source database in SSMS, run a SELECT
query to retrieve all the data you want to copy over to your target database. Once you have your result set, select all records, right-click on them, then choose “Save Results As…” from the menu.

That will open the normal “Save As” dialog, and you can choose where to save your results. Save the file to your computer.
Once the file has been saved, I recommend opening the CSV using Notepad++ or similar tool to review the formatting of the data. There were a few times when I went through this process that the columns names did not get exported to the flat file, and instead the columns were generically named “Column1”, “Column2”, and so on (see final screenshot below for what this would look like when trying to import). Chances are that you won’t run into this issue, but it doesn’t hurt to check. If for some reason your file doesn’t have the correct column names that you expect, simply export the query results to a file again and it should fix the issue.
Importing the data to the target
To import the data onto your target database, connect to it in SSMS as well, right-click on the database name in the Object Explorer, then choose “Tasks” > “Import Flat File”. This will open a wizard to help you import the data.

In the dialog that opens, browse to the file that you previously exported from the other database. Once you select that file, a table name is generated that the data will be imported to. You can change the name of that table if you wish. Also, choose the schema that table will go into. This process creates a new table from the imported data, so make sure you don’t use an existing table name.

Click “Next” to move to the next page, where you can preview the data that will be imported. If the data looks good to you, click “Next” to move to the “Modify Columns” page where you can change some settings on the table columns if you would like. I chose to “Allow Nulls” for all columns, just to make things easier for myself in this import process. I plan on deleting this table after I copy the data from it into the final target table, so it doesn’t matter to me if every column allows nulls.

Keep clicking “Next” to move through the rest of the pages, review the process before you opt to import, then import the data. Once the import wizard has completed its work, you will now have a new table in your database, essentially a staging table.
To get the data from your staging table into the final target table in your database, you can use an INSERT INTO tablename SELECT...
query. This step also allows you to modify the data before moving it into the target table if you need to. In my case, I needed to add an extra column to the data that the source table didn’t have but the target requires, so I hard-coded the value for that column into my SELECT
statement so it would be added to the final table.
After you have moved your data into its final destination, make sure to clean up the temporary new table that you created during the import wizard process, to keep things as neat as possible in your database.
Using this method to copy data between two Azure SQL Databases may be considered a bit lazy, but I truly think it’s the most efficient way to get data from point A to point B. Sure, I could have made a pipeline or used some other system to move the data around, but I only had a few hundred records to copy over so this method worked great for me. Let me know if this method saved you time as well!