During server upgrades and migration projects, you will likely run into the task or issue where you need to transfer the server logins from the previous to the new server. For non-SQL authenticated users, this is simple. But if your source server happens to have more than a handful of SQL Authentication users or you don’t have access to the passwords of those users, it would normally be very difficult to transfer those logins to the new server.

I recently setup three new test environments based on a current production environment, and there were literally dozens of SQL Authentication users on the production server that needed to be copied to the new environments. I didn’t have access to the passwords of any of those users so I couldn’t just recreate them manually. That is where two non-standard Microsoft stored procedures come in very handy to help migrate all these users.

What’s in this post

Some Context

If you haven’t ever been challenged with this task before, copying SQL Authentication users from one server to another, you may not know why this can be a challenge, so I’ll describe that first. The problem with copying logins between servers is that unless you know the password of the account, just scripting out the login as a CREATE script will not give you the script that will recreate the login exactly how it is on the original server. For good reason, when you right-click on a login and opt to script it as a CREATE statement, SQL Server will generate the script but the password it puts in the script is a randomly generated string that isn’t what the true password is. So if you took that script and ran it on your new server, the login would be created, just with a different password than the login originally had, which could cause a lot of problems for whatever or whoever is using that login. (Side note: I don’t know if I’ve see this before, but when I scripted out my test login on my personal computer to demonstrate for this post, SSMS automatically added a comment saying the password is random, which is a helpful note there.)

Screenshot showing the script that is generated if you right-click on a login and opt to "Script as CREATE", with a random password being generated for the script

The Helpful Stored Procedures

Given the above context of why transferring these logins isn’t as simple as scripting them on the source server and then running those scripts on the destination, how then are we supposed to accurately copy those logins to a new server? While there are some StackOverflow answers online that essentially provide a homegrown method of achieving the same goal, they all seemed overly complicated to me so I didn’t want to attempt them. And thankfully I found the Microsoft approved method online that very easily does all the required work for you.

To create the stored procedures that accurately script out all your SQL Authentication logins without generating any security issues or wrong password problems, go to this Microsoft document page. On that page, you’ll want to scroll down a bit until you see “Method 2” in the bulleted list, which is where you find the scripts to create the helpful stored procedures.

Screenshot of the section of Microsoft documentation where it mentions the two stored procedures that can generate scripts to recreate SQL Server logins

Note: For your own safety, please review the code before you run the script to ensure you know exactly what it’s doing and that it won’t cause issues for your specific system.

Copy the scripts from the web page into your SSMS new query window and then execute on the master database of the server you wish to copy logins from.

The script as it exists on the Microsoft website starts with the USE master command, but this will not work if you are trying to run the script on an Azure SQL Database, which no longer allows the USE statement to switch database contexts. If you are running the query on such a database, you will need to remove that top line and make sure yourself that you are running the command on the master database.

Scripting the Logins

Once you have executed the Microsoft script, there will now be two new stored procedures on your master database: dbo.sp_hexadecimal and dbo.sp_help_revlogin. The first one is used by the second, and you will only be executing the second procedure manually.

When you are ready to generate scripts to recreate all the logins on your server, you can execute the stored procedure dbo.sp_help_revlogin on the master database. Doing that will return data in the “Messages” tab of the results window with all necessary CREATE statements, including encrypted/hashed passwords, for your logins.

EXEC dbo.sp_help_revlogin
Screenshot of the basic output of the stored procedure which generates the create scripts for SQL Server logins

Reviewing the output further, I can see that the SQL Authentication users I have on my server have a “password” value displayed, which I can assure you is not the actual password I set for my users. Instead, the password value you see in the script is a securely hashed version of the password stored in the depths of the server security settings. The script has included the HASHED keyword at the end of the password which will notify the new server we are going to run this on that the password should be handled as the hashed value it is so the server doesn’t literally set the login password to the provided value.

Screenshot showing the output of the stored procedure that generates scripts with hashed passwords to recreate SQL Authentication logins

Creating the New Logins

Copy the output presented in the “Messages” tab of your query window into a new query window with a connection to the server you want to add the logins to. Now to create all your logins from the original server, all you need to do is to execute the script. It’s as simple as that! You have now copied all your logins, including any login-level permissions they were assigned on the original server, added to your new server.


Copying SQL Authentication logins from one server to another doesn’t have to be a difficult or time-consuming process involving looking up old saved passwords or writing your own script to maybe fully copy the logins. Instead of trying to write a homegrown solution yourself, save yourself the time and effort and use the two stored procedures that Microsoft already wrote and shared to do the work for you.